3D Measure UP API Usage
- STEPS for using measure API and metrics API
- HTTP Specification
- API Documentation
- /measure
- /align
- /metrics
- Response Syntax
- Retrieving metrics from the response
- Reference Guide for identifying metrics
Please follow below steps to get the auto-detected measurement over a mesh body.
Steps :
- Send your request body data to ‘https://api.3dmu.prototechsolutions.com/v3/models/measure‘ as a POST request
- You will either get requestId in response or error in case of invalid parameters
- Let say you receive 163e9760-69c5-11ea-ab70-21d66db68acf as a requestId
- Using the requestId as fetched from the first API send a GET request to ‘https://api.3dmu.prototechsolutions.com/v3/models/metrics?requestId=163e9760-69c5-11ea-ab70-21d66db68acf‘
- This API will either return 200 success, 202 pending, or 500 error based on the processed result
- You need to continuously poll for the response after certain intervals until the status is pending (202) or you get success or failure
Refer below screenshot for using the API using POSTMAN
Fig_1: Specify api-key in header of the request (POST/GET)
Fig_2 : Sending POST request to measure API
Fig_3 : Getting a 202 (pending) response for the corresponding requestId
Fig_4 : Getting a 200 (Success) for the corresponding requestId (request is send at certain interval to this API [polling])
HTTP Specification
API | Description |
POST measure | Submit a request to generate metrics. |
GET metrics | Retrieve metrics generated by the measure method. |
POST align | Returns a 4×4 projection matrix to align model with Y axis |
API Documentation
Method and URI | POST https://api.3dmu.prototechsolutions.com/v3/models/measure |
Authentication | Header x-api-key |
Data Format | JSON |
x-api-key | Must be x-api-key: <API_KEY> where API_KEY is assigned to clients by PTS. |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Structure
*: mandatory
*fileurl | Contain either file name or public URL of model |
*type | Type of measurement required (all, girth, surfacelength) |
*method | Specify calculation method |
*filetype | file format : obj OR stl |
orientation_matrix | Projection matrix required to align model with Y axis. Default it is a unit matrix |
filesource | ‘url’ |
output | Specify output format, csv OR json. Default in json |
ids | Refer id from List. Usable only if the “type” is “all”. |
Parameters | Contains calculation type and co-ordinates p1, p2, p3. “type” is optional. Default value of type is concave. |
Usage Example
type: all
This API is called to put a request for computing a collection of common human body landmarks automatically by 3D Measure Up. It returns a request Id which can be used by metrics APIs to get all the data.
Body Structure Example:
“type”: “all”, “fileurl:”https”://<url>”, “orientation_matrix”: “1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1”, “filesource”: “url”, “filetype”: “obj”, “output”: “json” } |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 | Success |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Body Structure (200)
requestId | The UUID identifier for result file |
type: girth
Use type girth when you want to measure girth length
method : within-finite-plane
This API is called to get a collection of girths generated by intersection of a finite rectangular Plan ABCD.
type: type of girth i.e. concave / convex
p1: point A in rectangle ABCD
p2: point B in rectangle ABCD
p3: point D in rectangle ABCD
Request Body: { type : girth, fileurl:”https://<url>”, filesource: “url”, method : within-finite-plane, orientation_matrix: “1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1”, filetype: obj, output: json, parameters : { type : concave, P1:{1.0, 2.0, -2.0}, p2: {-1.0, 2.0, -2.0}, p3:{1.0, 1.0, -2.0}, } } |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 | Success |
400 | Bad request |
500 | not able to parse the model |
501 | computational error |
512 | Unknown Error |
513 | Unable to parse file |
Body Structure (200)
statusCode | Response status code |
type | Response type e.g json |
body | Array of coordinates |
method : within-selection-range
This API is called to get the collection of all the girth which are within the selection range of two selection points provided.
type: type of girth i.e. concave / convex
p1: selection point 1
p2: selection point 2
p3: camera position
Request Body: { type : girth, fileurl:”https://<url>”, filesource: “url”, method : within-selection-range, orientation_matrix: “1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1”, filetype: obj, output: json, parameters : { type : concave, P1:{1.0, 2.0, -2.0}, p2: {-1.0, 2.0, -2.0}, p3:{1.0, 1.0, -2.0}, } } |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 | Success |
400 | Bad request |
500 | not able to parse the model |
501 | computational error |
512 | Unknown Error |
513 | Unable to parse file |
Body Structure (200)
statusCode | Response status code |
type | Response type e.g json |
body | Array of 3D coordinates |
type: distance
There are two methods to calculate distance between two points : free-fall and on surface
method: free-fall
This API is called to get the length of trajectory followed by a dew drop starting at a point on the body and flowing down the body by effect of gravity..
height: Height from ground
p1: point A in rectangle ABCD
p2: point B in rectangle ABCD
p3: point D in rectangle ABCD
Request Body: { type : distance, method : free-fall, fileurl:”https://<url>”, filesource: “url”, orientation_matrix: “1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1”, filetype: obj, output: json, parameters : { height: 2.0, P1:{1.0, 2.0, -2.0}, p2: {-1.0, 2.0, -2.0}, p3:{1.0, 1.0, -2.0}, } } |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 | Success |
400 | Bad request |
500 | not able to parse the model |
501 | computational error |
512 | Unknown Error |
513 | Unable to parse file |
Body Structure (200)
statusCode | Response status code |
body | Array of 3D coordinates |
method: surface
This API is called to get distance over the human body surface, measured between two points on the body..
type: type of girth i.e. concave / convex
p1: selection point 1
p2: selection point 2
p3: camera position
Request Body: { type : girth, method : within-selection-range, fileurl:”https://<url>”, filesource: “url”, orientation_matrix: “1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1”, filetype: obj, output: json, parameters : { type : concave, P1:{1.0, 2.0, -2.0}, p2: {-1.0, 2.0, -2.0}, p3:{1.0, 1.0, -2.0}, } } |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 | Success |
400 | Bad request |
500 | not able to parse the model |
501 | computational error |
512 | Unknown Error |
513 | Unable to parse file |
Body Structure (200)
statusCode | Response status code |
body | Array of 3D coordinates |
/align |
Method and URI | POST https://api.3dmu.prototechsolutions.com/v3/models/align |
Authentication | Header x-api-key |
Data Format | JSON |
x-api-key | Must be x-api-key: <API_KEY> where API_KEY is assigned to clients by Prototech. |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Structure
*: mandatory
filetype | obj | stl |
fileurl | Contain either file name or public URL of model |
filesource | ‘url’ |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 | Success |
400 | Bad request |
500 | not able to parse the model |
501 | computational error |
512 | Unknown Error |
513 | Unable to parse file |
Body Structure (200)
statusCode | Response status code |
body | Elements of Alignment Matrix |
Method and URI | GET |
Authentication | Header x-api-key |
Data Format | JSON |
x-api-key | Must be x-api-key: <API_KEY> where API_KEY is assigned to clients by PTS. |
Content-Type | application/json |
Query Params
requestId | requestId, which was the output of measure API |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 | Success |
202 | Pending |
404 | Invalid requestId (Data not found) |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Body Structure (200)
statusCode | Status code of Process |
type | Result data format |
body | Contains resultant measurements |
Curl Usage Sample
NOTE: Before you use this API, please make sure you replace <Your API Key> with the API key provided to you separately. If it is not, please contact info@prototechsolutions.com for your API key.
- Create/ Download json.txt file.
Contents of requestBody.json file:
“type”: “all”,
“fileurl”: “https://3dmu-app.prototechsolutions.com/obj/shijuka.stl”,
“orientation_matrix”: “1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1”,
“filesource”: “url”,
“filetype”: “stl”,
“output”: “json”
- Open terminal in folder containing json.txt file.
- Run the following command in the terminal.
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d @t1.json –header “x-api-key:<API_KEY>” https://api.3dmu.prototechsolutions.com/v3/models/measure –insecur |
Response Syntax
(Partial output for reference)
{ “results”: { “metrics”: { “girths”: [ { “id”: 101, “name”: “head_start”, “label”: “Head Start”, “girth”: [], “level”: 1.6556999683380127, “confidence”: 0 }, { “id”: 102, “name”: “head_end”, “label”: “Head End”, “girth”: [ 0.44 ], “level”: 1.440644410850525, “confidence”: 10 }, { “id”: 103, “name”: “neck_end”, “label”: “Neck End”, “girth”: [ 0.42 ], “level”: 1.386880521478653, “confidence”: 10 }, { “id”: 104, “name”: “shoulder”, “label”: “Shoulder”, “girth”: [ 0.92 ], “level”: 1.333116632106781, “confidence”: 90 }, { “id”: 121, “name”: “right_wrist_girth”, “label”: “Right Wrist”, “girth”: [ 0.13 ], “level”: 0.9047205306301773, “confidence”: 90 }, … ] } } } |
Retrieving metrics from the response
Example of JSON Path to retrieve the girth from the response object
results.metrics.griths[0].girth results.metrics.griths[0].name |
Example of JSON Path to retrieve the surface length from the response object
measurement => results.metrics.surfaceLengths[0].length name => results.metrics.surfaceLengths[0].name |
Example of JSON Path to retrieve the landmarks from the response object
Note: In the 3D space the center of the model is the origin (0,0,0). The level of the landmark is the distance from the base of the model.
name => results.metrics.landmarkPoints[0].name measurement => results.metrics.landmarkPoints[0].level position – x co-ordinate => results.metrics.landmarkPoints[0].position.x position – y co-ordinate => results.metrics.landmarkPoints[0].position.y position – z co-ordinate => results.metrics.landmarkPoints[0].position.z |
Reference Guide for identifying metrics
A comprehensive metrics guide can be accessed from here.